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Yet More Rail Strikes – Problem or Opportunity?

Oh no – not more cancellations! More rail strikes from both RMT and ASLEF disrupted many of us during July and August 2022. But could they be seen as opportunities?

During the last round of walkouts, I had a meeting …

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How to Overcome Overwhelm

Transform your business from chaos to calm

It’s Sunday. I’m on the beach at 6:45 am. You can smell the seaweed. I’m nervous – this is my first ever triathlon.

“3-2-1 GO!” And we’re off, straight into the mayhem of …

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Using Competition to Drive Improvement

In his article Good managers not machines drive productivity growth*, Professor John van Reenen outlines that competition is a major factor to stimulating improvements in productivity. “This both weeds out the badly managed firms and gives strong incentives for …

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